
第 12 屆 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 29
Modern Web

用30days 了解web系列 第 29

(Day 29) DevOps Challenges

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despite all the benefits we stated yesterday, toady we going to talk about the devops challenges. here is some of devops challenges:

  1. Choosing the right metics is hard
    An effective DevOps effort needs metrics that drive smart automation decisions—and yet organizations often struggle with DevOps metrics.
  2. Limited Funds
    DevOps initiatives face other obstacles as well. Given the significant organizational and IT changes involved—with previously siloed teams joining forces, changing job roles, and encountering other transitions— adjustments will take time
  3. Complexity
    DevOps efforts can be mired in complexity. IT leaders may have difficulty articulating the business value of their work to key executives. In terms of governance, will centralization and standardization lead to better results, or just more layers of innovation-killing bureaucracy? And then there's organizational change: Can your teams overcome resistance to change and inertia, unlearning many years of doing things a certain way, share their practices and learn from others, and integrate and orchestrate the right tools?
  4. Unrealistics Goals
    DevOps efforts can fail for many reasons, such as setting unrealistic expectations, tracking metrics that don't align with business goals, or implementing a half-baked DevOps effort that embraces agile methodologies while keeping IT ops and engineering/development teams in traditional silos.

(Day 28) DevOps
(Day 30) chequered flag
用30days 了解web30
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